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Best way to export stage in kineticjs

I'm looking for best way to export kinetic stage to json. Is there any solution to export objects with events, and custom attributes?


  • As you've discovered, object.toJSON will not serialize your event handlers.

    So you must:

    • Use toJSON to serialize most of the object, and

    • Put your KineticJS event handlers in a separate .js file, and

    • Rewire them up after you deserialize the object.

    Here's an example that almost automatically rewires the events:

    Step#1: Create a separate kEvents.js file with the event handlers defined in an object:

    // the eventHandlers object contains all the event handling functions
    // for the serialized object(s).
    var eventHandlers={
        myClickHandler1:function(e){alert("Fired clickHandler1");},
        myOtherClickHandler:function(e){alert("Fired the other clickHandler");},

    Step#2: Add some attributes to your Kinetic nodes that indicate which handler(s) to rewire:

    // this circle will be rewired with the click handler named "myClickHandler1"
    var circle1 = new Kinetic.Circle({
        radius: 30,
        fill: 'red',
        stroke: 'black',
        strokeWidth: 4,
        draggable: true,
        // Below: 
        // "clickEvent" attribute indicates this node needs their click event rewired
        // "myClickHandler1" is the name of the handler function that will be rewired

    Step#3: Import the kEvents.js file

    <script src=""></script>

    Step#4: Run a function that attaches the handlers in eventHandlers to the objects:

    function rewireHandlers(node){
        var handler;
        // rewire click handler
        if(handler && eventHandlers[handler]){
        // rewire other event handlers the same way