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RestSharp in Xamarin for Android not giving any response

I am currently experimenting with Mono for android at the moment I have a Rest based service installed at the following URL


The server is IIS8.0 and service is built using web API.

When I make a request using Curi or any of the Plugin based Rest Clients. All is well and the response comes as expected

However I like to use this in a Mobile client

I have the following code using Xamarin for Android

    public class RequestBrokerClass
    const string baseUrl = "";

    public T Execute<T>(RestRequest request) where T : new()
        var client = new RestClient ();
        client.BaseUrl = baseUrl;
        var response = client.Execute<T> (request);
        if (response.ErrorException != null) {
            const string message = "Error contacting partnerens servers";
            var exception = new ApplicationException (message, response.ErrorException);
            throw exception;
        return response.Data;



and the following excerpt using the above code. (Please note that email has been URL encoded).

public IEnumerable<PartnershipRecords> GetItemFromApi(string email, string phoneNumber)

        var request = new RestRequest ();
        request.Method = Method.GET;
        request.AddParameter ("email", email);
        request.AddParameter ("phone", phoneNumber);
        var items = new RequestBrokerClass ().Execute<List<PartnershipRecords>> (request);
        return items;


However my problem is that Response is always empty if made using the Mobile client but not empty if made using a REST Client.


  • OK I got it fixed here is what i did

    I added the following to the AndroidManifest.xml

        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

    And voila, server responds appropriately