I've developed a custom validator and used the validator through Enterprise Library Configuration Console. However the type attribute of the custom validator in the config xml is coming as blank instead of the actual type of the custom validator. I've done the following steps so far:
After doing the above steps the custom validator started to come in the console's validator list. Applying the validator, all the value validator data came correctly in the console. However saving the configuration leaves the value of type attribute empty in the config xml.
Have I missed anything?
P.S: Just for your information the validator works fine after I added the type manually in the xml, but the type is not coming automatically in the xml is a bit frustrating.
Well it is quite late, but if anyone is looking for the answer, here it is.
You need to necessarily add the following
You can also check Sarah Urmeneta's post dated Sep 22, 2010: https://entlib.codeplex.com/discussions/227578