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How can I place a button in the Columnheader of CheckboxTableviewer ? And when I click that button I want all rows to be selected

How can I place a button in the Columnheader of CheckboxTableviewer ? And when I click that button I want all rows to be selected. My table has 10 columns,

  1. I want a button in the columnheader,
  2. when I click that button I want all the rows of the table to be selected.

This is my table

    final CheckboxTableViewer dataTable = CheckboxTableViewer.newCheckList(TableComposite2, SWT.MULTI | SWT.H_SCROLL   
        dataTable .getTable().setHeaderVisible(true);
        dataTable .getTable().setLinesVisible(true);
        dataTable .setContentProvider(new ArrayContentProvider());

    //Action Check box
        TableColumn columnCHead=new TableColumn(dataTable .getTable(),SWT.NONE);

        // setting column input
        TableViewerColumn columnC=new TableViewerColumn(dataTable ,columnCHead);
        columnC.setLabelProvider(new ColumnLabelProvider()
            public String getText(Object Element)

                return null;

        TableColumn columnFS1Head=new TableColumn(dataTable .getTable(),SWT.NONE);
        columnFS1Head.setText("SOURCE DIRECTORY");

        TableViewerColumn columnFS1=new TableViewerColumn(dataTable ,columnFS1Head);
        columnFS1.setLabelProvider(new ColumnLabelProvider()
            public String getText(Object Element)
                AgedFileMaster a=(AgedFileMaster)Element;
                return a.getDIRECTORY_PATH();

In the first column, I want that button instead of text "delete". Anyone please help. I am beginner to SWT.


  • TableColumn already behaves like a button, just use addSelectionListener to listen for the button being pressed. You can't easily add controls to the column header.

    To select everything call

    Object [] elements = get all the elements in your data model
    dataTable.setSelecton(new StructuredSelection(elements));