for example I need to move to point: [50, 50]
, and I have stage scale of 10.4
, how do I calculate the position considering the scale what is the formula?
node.nextXPoint = (stage.width() / 2 - pos.x);
node.nextYPoint = (stage.height() / 2 - pos.y);
node.status = 'moving';
On click I'am getting the end point where I need to reach(it will be in the center) AND in my frameanimation function:
if(node.status == 'moving')
var dx = (stage.x() - node.nextXPoint);
var dy = (stage.y() - node.nextYPoint);
var dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
if(dist < 5)
node.status = '';
var angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
var speedX = -Math.cos(angle) * 6;
var speedY = -Math.sin(angle) * 6;
stage.x(stage.x() + speedX);
stage.y(stage.y() + speedY);
I'am doing a moving animation, now it works ok, but when I scale the stage, the position its getting wrong, so the question is where do I put the scale calculation.
how to get the stage scale: stage.getScaleX()
, stage.getScaleY()
I'm not sure I got the question correctly as this seems a bit too simple. Am I missing something?
scale = 10.4; // your scale
posXScaled = posX * scale; //posX would be 50 in your example positions[0]
posYScaled = posY * scale; // positions[1]
I think you need to add your scale calculation here:
var dx = (stage.x() - node.nextXPoint) * scale;
var dy = (stage.y() - node.nextYPoint) * scale;
You might also need to update the conditional:
if(dist < 5 * scale)