I have the following abstract model class
public abstract class Thing {
private String id;
private String name;
3 other model classes extends it. Let's call them Rock, Paper, Scissor. Example with Paper:
public class Paper extends Thing {
private String paperFormat;
I now have the following CRUD-related interface to implement:
public interface ThingOperations {
public String addThingForm();
public String processAddThing(Thing thing, BindingResult result);
Here, processAddThing() is what processes a form model (addThingForm() initializes the form). Now let's say I want to create a Controller related to each concrete class (RockController, PaperController and ScissorController). Here's PaperController, as an example.
public class PaperController implements ThingOperations {
@RequestMapping(value="/processAddPaper", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public String processAddThing(@Valid Paper newPaper, BindingResult result){
You see what the problem is: the implementation of processAddThing()
is not correct in the example above. I should have used the Thing class as a model to be validated, as per the interface specs. But if I put @Valid
Thing newThing, I won't be able to cast newThing as being a Paper instance, and therefore, I won't be able to call, say, the appropriate Service and DAO Hibernate implementations to create a new Paper record.
What do you think I should do, if I want to successfully implement my interface on my 3 controllers, and still apply a relevant @Valid annotation
You could use generics here:
public interface ThingOperations<T extends Thing> {
public String addThingForm();
public String processAddThing(T thing, BindingResult result);
public class PaperController implements ThingOperations<Paper> {
@RequestMapping(value="/processAddPaper", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public String processAddThing(@Valid Paper newPaper, BindingResult result){