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LeafletJS & Cloudmade: Retina Tile Support

I'm using Leaflet JS and Cloudmade in my mobile HTML5 application. Unfortunately I can't get the retina support to work.

I use this url to access the cloud made api:

var url = 'http://{s}{key}/{style}@2x/256/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?token={token}';

My key, style and token are replaced by the correct values.

For my leaflet map layer I use the following simple configuration:

L.tileLayer(url, {
        detectRetina: true

Unfortunately the result looks really weird. Wrong positions of tiles

It seems like something is going wrong with the tiles and the position of them.

If I remove the detectRetina flag I get a correct result in the browser Correct positions

But as you can see both solutions are not sharp on my retina display (Mac Book Pro).

Has anyone made this working?



  • This worked for me:

    var tileURL = 'http://{s}{api-key}/1714' + (L.Browser.retina? '@2x': '') + '/256/{z}/{x}/{y}.png';          
    L.tileLayer(tileURL, {detectRetina: true}).addTo(yourMap);

    Have you tried with different tile styles and check if that might be the issue?