I want to break a string up into lines of a specified maximum length, without splitting any words, if possible (if there is a word that exceeds the maximum line length, then it will have to be split).
As always, I am acutely aware that strings are immutable and that one should preferably use the StringBuilder class. I have seen examples where the string is split into words and the lines are then built up using the StringBuilder class, but the code below seems "neater" to me.
I mentioned "best" in the description and not "most efficient" as I am also interested in the "eloquence" of the code. The strings will never be huge, generally splitting into 2 or three lines, and it won't be happening for thousands of lines.
Is the following code really bad?
private static IEnumerable<string> SplitToLines(string stringToSplit, int maximumLineLength)
stringToSplit = stringToSplit.Trim();
var lines = new List<string>();
while (stringToSplit.Length > 0)
if (stringToSplit.Length <= maximumLineLength)
var indexOfLastSpaceInLine = stringToSplit.Substring(0, maximumLineLength).LastIndexOf(' ');
lines.Add(stringToSplit.Substring(0, indexOfLastSpaceInLine >= 0 ? indexOfLastSpaceInLine : maximumLineLength).Trim());
stringToSplit = stringToSplit.Substring(indexOfLastSpaceInLine >= 0 ? indexOfLastSpaceInLine + 1 : maximumLineLength);
return lines.ToArray();
How about this as a solution:
IEnumerable<string> SplitToLines(string stringToSplit, int maximumLineLength)
var words = stringToSplit.Split(' ').Concat(new [] { "" });
(a, w) =>
var last = a.Last();
while (last.Length > maximumLineLength)
a[a.Count() - 1] = last.Substring(0, maximumLineLength);
last = last.Substring(maximumLineLength);
var test = last + " " + w;
if (test.Length > maximumLineLength)
a[a.Count() - 1] = test;
return a;
I reworked this as prefer this:
IEnumerable<string> SplitToLines(string stringToSplit, int maximumLineLength)
var words = stringToSplit.Split(' ');
var line = words.First();
foreach (var word in words.Skip(1))
var test = $"{line} {word}";
if (test.Length > maximumLineLength)
yield return line;
line = word;
line = test;
yield return line;