Is there any option available in Jqgrid default search dialog to increase the width of the text box in search.
Here is the Image:
Updated Code for my search is as below:
{ del: false, add: false, edit: false },
multipleSearch: true,
closeAfterSearch: true,
beforeShowSearch: function ($form) {
$(".searchFilter table td .input-elm").attr('style', 'width:400px');
return true;
afterRedraw: function ($form) {
$(".searchFilter table td .input-elm").attr('style', 'width:400px');
return true;
I am also using loadonce option as true in my grid therefore all my search is local and no server call is made.
You should change the style using the beforeShowSearch & afterRedraw event.
beforeShowSearch fires every time before the search dialog is shown and afterRedraw is fired when new search parameters are added.
I've modified the code with that. $(".searchFilter table td .input-elm")
Where searchFilter is the class of the parent div and input-elm is the class of the text box. 300px is just a number I gave, feel free to change it to accommodate your change:
{ del: false, add: false, edit: false },
multipleSearch: true,
closeAfterSearch: true,
beforeShowSearch: function($form) {
$(".searchFilter table td .input-elm").attr('style','width:300px');
return true;
afterRedraw: function($form) {
$(".searchFilter table td .input-elm").attr('style','width:300px');
return true;