I have to create a new table in my SQL Server 2008 and set my date column to auto increment by 1 day from Getdate()
The first entry should insert using the current date, the second entry should use tomorrow's date and the third entry the day after tomorrow's date and so on.
And I also want to know if there is any way to do this manually with update command that it put today's date in 1st column and tomorrows in 2nd.
I got my answer in a simple script:
update t2
set DateColumn = DATEADD(day, rn-1, '1970-01-01')
from @t2 t2
join (
select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by id) rn
, id
from @t2
) t2_numbered
on t2_numbered.id = t2.id
select * from @t2