How do I create and instantiate a jpa repository inside a class? I'm in a situation where I have to create repositories for different entities inside a generic class.
I could do that easily for Neo4j repositories like,
GraphRepository<T> graphRepository;
this.neo4jTemplate = new Neo4jTemplate(new RestGraphDatabase(
this.graphRepository = neo4jTemplate.repositoryFor(domainClass);
For JpaRepository, I checked the documentation and found this,
RepositoryFactorySupport factory = … // Instantiate factory here
UserRepository repository = factory.getRepository(UserRepository.class);
I'm not sure how to instantiate factory in the above code.
Also Can't I create repository like I did for Neo4j, by specifying the domain class?
I finally got it working this way,
SimpleJpaRepository<User, Serializable> jpaRepository;
jpaRepository = new SimpleJpaRepository<User, Serializable>(
User.class, entityManager);
With SimpleJpaRepository, I can use all repository methods.;