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Passing reference as task data - same values when task is run

Today, I'm trying to make a task manager for a personnal project.

I wrote the following method :

template<class Callback, class... Args>
void ThreadManager::AddTaskToRun(Callback&& fun,     Args&&... args)
task_handle<function<void()>> task = make_task([&]()

/* Another code */

And I call it with the following sample :

void Test(int taskId)
wcout << "Hello " << taskId << endl;

threadManager.AddTaskToRun(Test, 1);
threadManager.AddTaskToRun(Test, 2);
threadManager.AddTaskToRun(Test, 3);


int x = 0;
threadManager.AddTaskToRun(Test, x);
threadManager.AddTaskToRun(Test, x);
threadManager.AddTaskToRun(Test, x);

The problem is that, in Debug mode (with Visual Studio 2013), I have the following result :

Hello 1 (first test)
Hello 2
Hello 3


Hello 2 (second test, with a variable in argument)
Hello 2
Hello 2

The second test has a big problem no? :-)

And if I test in Release mode :

Hello 3 Hello 3 Hello 3


Hello 2 Hello 2 Hello 2

Well. It's strange I think. I've search on the web but found nothing. I just seen that if I run my function outside the "make_task" or "create_task" (PPL), all results are good :

template<class Callback, class... Args>
void ThreadManager::AddTaskToRun(Callback&& fun,     Args&&... args)

/* Another code */

Anyone have an idea to help me?

Thank you in advance


  • I've found the solution after several hours of test. I've search in thread.h file, and discover in their constructor _Decay_copy, and tried to use it in my method :

    template<class Callback, class... Args>
    void ThreadManager::AddTaskToRun(Callback&& fun,     Args&&... args)
    task_handle<function<void(void)>> task = bind(_Decay_copy(forward<Callback>(fun)), _Decay_copy(forward<Args>(args))...);
    /* Another code */

    By using this task with task_group, it works fine.

    Thank you :-)