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Use bullets as navigation with Swipe JS

I've been banging my head off a wall for a few hours and I'd really appreciate some help with this. I know it's going to be easy solution but so far it's not going well.

I'm using Swipe Js for a slider and I want to use some bullets as navigation (without the next and prev). I tried to use getPos() a built in swipe function but I keep getting a 'no method' error in my console.

Here's my HTML:

<section id='slider' class='swipe full-width'>
      <div class='swipe-wrap'>

        <div class="slide">
          <!-- content -->

        <div class="slide">
          <!-- content -->

 <div class="counter">
      <ul id='position'>
          <li class="on"></li>

Here's my JS: I've pulled it back to what's working. I just want to click on a dot and make it go to the corresponding slide.

   var slider = Swipe(document.getElementById('slider'), {
      auto: 6000,
      continuous: true,
      callback: function(pos) {

        var i = bullets.length;
        while (i--) {
          bullets[i].className = ' ';
          bullets[pos].className = 'on';


  var bullets = document.getElementById('position').getElementsByTagName('li');

Any help is really appreciated

Link to my code

Link to the plugin


  • This should work:

    $('li').on('click', function(event){
      var index = $("li").index(event.currentTarget);

    Basically, you need to workout the index of corresponding li and pass that to swipes .slide method. This will then slide to the requested slide.

    Hope that helps.