I am pretty new to programming, and I am trying to make some useful programs to help my dad and I learn guitar. What I want to do is have a note name (an image file) show on the screen then play the note (midi) afterwards. (this is an exercise the learn the fretboard notes). So I have an array of the notes, one gets choosen at random, and I want to change the src of the id="Image1" to the note image (/images/(notename).png) then have the notes play. Problem is, the notes play, then the image changes. I think this has something to do with postbacks, but aren't too sure. Here is the code:
public void StartQuiz(List<string> selectedeNotes, int timeDuration, string sharpsFlats)
string[] notesForQuiz = BuildNotes(sharpsFlats);
string theNote = getRandomNote(notesForQuiz);
string imageURL = @"/images/" + theNote + ".png";
Image1.ImageUrl = imageURL;
//Image1.Attributes["src"] = ResolveUrl(imageURL);
//string str = "<script>document.getElementById('Image1').src='"+imageURL+"'; </script>";
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
playNote(theNote, "E");
I tried to have c# call a javascript function, but I figured out that won't work. Any help will be appreciated. I am sorry if I don't have all the info posted.
Edit: Thanks for suggsting using javascript to do most of this, and not continuing to try to do it in C# for the web. I already had the logic programmed in c#, so I figured it would be pretty easy to just bring it to a winform. Somehow (I thought it was a postback issue), the image still doesn't update until after tones stop. Even though the change to the image is Before the call for the tones:
public void StartQuiz(List<string> selectedeNotes, int timeDuration, string nosharpsFlats)
string[] notesForQuiz = BuildNotes(nosharpsFlats);
for (int x = 0; x < 1; x++)
string theNote = getRandomNote(notesForQuiz);
noteImage.ImageLocation = @"..\..\images\D.png";
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
playNote(theNote, "E");
WTF. I hard coded a specific note in to try to debug.
I'll get started on the JS version. I am for some reason determined to use C#.
Edit #2: I fixed it by adding Application.DoEvents(); after image location change. Seems like I may need to do something with threading, but I'm not sure.
try change to play the midi sound from midi.js midi.
then call the js function to update the image1.scr only play the note.
js functions:
function changeimg(imgurl,callback){
function playnote(note){
for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
//play here
Code behind :
string script = string.Format("var myimg = '{0}'; changeimg(myimg,playnote);", imageURL);
if (!ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("myScript"))
ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(_Default), "myScript", script, true);