Question Updated:
The solution should detail a simplified, proper model of a Node connection module allowing for the re-use of the connection by any module of a Node application needing to connect to a database. That way, the question might be useful for anyone with connection module issues in Node.
The answer might even include a way to pass in different credentials in order to connect to different tables or databases with a single function call from anywhere in an app.
I wrote a script that utilized a number of simple modules to allow a user to post login data, have that data validated on the server, and if correct, receive a response of success. A very basic login functionality.
The problem: One user can log-in, but any more log-in attempts before I restart the server fail to connect to the database.
It appears that, because I'm declaring the connection in a variable in my module db_connect and requiring that module, the connection can't be re-used. It's being declared in the required module, and I had mistakenly believed that calling the variable in each connection attempt would recreate the connection. It doesn't.
The solution: As suggested by barry in the comments, in the db_connect module, I need to make the connection functionality a function rather than a variable, so I can then create the connection from within my validation script.
How can I do this? I'm trying to output the connection object when calling the createConnection()
function, which is an exported method of db_connect.
console.log('db_connect module initialized');
var mysql = require('mysql');
function createConnection(){
var connection = mysql.createConnection({
host : 'localhost',
user : 'root',
password : '',
database : 'officeball'
exports.createConnection = createConnection();
exports.mysql = mysql;
console.log('validator module initialized');
var connect = require("./db_connect");
function validate(username, password, callback){
var createConnection = connect.createConnection();
//the idea is for this to return the object, connection,
//which opens a new connection
connection.connect(function (err){
if (err) return callback(new Error('Failed to connect'), null);
console.log('Connection with the Officeball MySQL database openned...');
connection.query('select username,password,fname,lname,rank,active from users where username=?',
function(err,rows,fields) {
console.log('...Connection with the Officeball MySQL database closed.');
if (err)
return callback(new Error ('Error while performing query'), null);
if (rows.length !== 1)
return callback(new Error ('- [Anomaly] - Failed to find exactly one user'), null);
if (rows[0].password === password & rows[0].active === "yes") {
var result = new Object;
result.username = rows[0].username;
result.password = rows[0].password;
result.fname = rows[0].fname;
result.lname = rows[0].lname;
result.rank = rows[0].rank;
return callback(null, result);
} if(rows[0].active !== "yes"){
return callback(new Error ('User account not active.'), null);
}else {
return callback(new Error ('Login credentials did not match.'), null);
exports.validate = validate;
Console log (originally, there was a connection error, but after my fix-attempt, the error is about the method):
C:\xampp\htdocs\officeball\node_scripts>node index.js
application initialized
server module initialized
login module initialized
validator module initialized
db_connect module initialized
sale module initialized
Server running at
User username1 is attempting login...
TypeError: Property 'createConnection' of object #<Object> is not a function
at Object.validate (C:\xampp\htdocs\officeball\node_scripts\custom_modules\v
at C:\xampp\htdocs\officeball\node_scripts\custom_modules\login.js:61:13
at callbacks (C:\xampp\htdocs\officeball\node_scripts\node_modules\express\l
at param (C:\xampp\htdocs\officeball\node_scripts\node_modules\express\lib\r
at pass (C:\xampp\htdocs\officeball\node_scripts\node_modules\express\lib\ro
at Router._dispatch (C:\xampp\htdocs\officeball\node_scripts\node_modules\ex
at Object.router (C:\xampp\htdocs\officeball\node_scripts\node_modules\expre
at next (C:\xampp\htdocs\officeball\node_scripts\node_modules\express\node_m
at multipart (C:\xampp\htdocs\officeball\node_scripts\node_modules\express\n
at C:\xampp\htdocs\officeball\node_scripts\node_modules\express\node_modules
Your problem was primarily what I mentioned in my comment, so I will make it an answer. Don't hurt yourself slapping your forehead. :-) See my inline comments below. You had one method invocation too many, an unreturned result, and a misnamed variable - otherwise, it works just fine.
console.log('db_connect module initialized');
var mysql = require('mysql');
function createConnection(){
var connection = mysql.createConnection({
host : 'localhost',
user : 'root',
password : '',
database : 'officeball'
// ************ NOTE BELOW FOR CHANGE **************
// You didn't return anything from this function. You need to return the connection
return connection;
// ************ NOTE BELOW FOR CHANGE **************
// You are exporting a single connection by invoking createConnection();
// exports.createConnection = createConnection();
// what you want is:
exports.createConnection = createConnection;
exports.mysql = mysql;
function validate(username, password, callback){
// ************ NOTE BELOW FOR CHANGE **************
// You had:
// var createConnection = connect.createConnection();
// but based on your code, you wanted to write this instead:
var connection = connect.createConnection();
/// ... REMAINDER OMITTED, because it was A-OK and this is already a long page
If you make those two three changes, you should be good to go. As ever, feel free to ask for any clarifications if it would be helpful.
Update This is how I am calling it - as you can see, I had it try to do it ever 2 seconds.
var v = require('./validator');
var timers = require('timers');
var connections = 0;
if (err)
console.log('failed', err);
console.log('success! ',result);
Connection with the Officeball MySQL database openned...
...Connection with the Officeball MySQL database closed.
success! { username: 'bagehot',
password: 'foo',
fname: 'walter',
lname: 'bagehot',
rank: 12 }
Connection with the Officeball MySQL database openned...
...Connection with the Officeball MySQL database closed.
success! { username: 'bagehot',
password: 'foo',
fname: 'walter',
lname: 'bagehot',
rank: 12 }
Connection with the Officeball MySQL database openned...
...Connection with the Officeball MySQL database closed.
success! { username: 'bagehot',
password: 'foo',
fname: 'walter',
lname: 'bagehot',
rank: 12 }
Connection with the Officeball MySQL database openned...
...Connection with the Officeball MySQL database closed.
success! { username: 'bagehot',
password: 'foo',
fname: 'walter',
lname: 'bagehot',
rank: 12 }
And so on. It runs indefinitely. Complete code for the three files is in this gist