I am trying to implement a collision detection system between different objects. I got the idea of using Area for the purpose of collision detection from this question.
This isn't quite working on my program like it did in the answer and I am getting collisions between two objects before they should collide and they stop before they should stop.
I am not sure which Area is off, either the left object's area is over to the right, or the right object's area is over to the left, or a mix of both.
I'm having trouble finding a way to get the areas on the screen visually so I can see where they are. Graphics does not support a drawArea();
or anything.
I created the Areas from existing Geom objects:
private Ellipse2D collisionCircle = new Ellipse2D.Double(0,0,0,0);
private Area collisionArea;
// later inside the update() method
collisionCircle.setFrame(posX - 61, posY - 61, 122, 122);
collisionArea = new Area(collisionCircle);
I use the same technique for the other object:
private Rectangle collisionRect = new Rectangle(0,0,0,0);
private Area collisionArea;
// later in the update() method
collisionRect.setRect(posX - 61, posY - 61, 122, 122);
collisionArea = new Area(collisionRect);
In the main game section I've used the same collision method from the previously mentioned question.
The result
The objects that the area is made from (the rectangle and the ellipse) are both drawn to the screen with a 1 pixel border and can clearly be seen. They begin colliding (according to this method) way before they should, and stop while they should still be colliding.
I want to be able to visually represent the Area objects, not the geometirc objects so I can trouble shoot this. Can this be done?
implements Shape
. Graphics2D
can draw and fill Shape
s, so yes, you can draw an Area
For example