Here is an example:
What do the [00], [05], [10], [15], [M13], [M20] mean?
I have tried:
taocp exercises square brackets
"the art of computer programming" exercises brackets
"the art of computer programming" M13
"the art of computer programming" [00]
No luck!
I think this is mentioned in the introduction to the book somewhere (my copy is in my office now). If I remember correctly, the numbers indicate difficulty, with numbers beginning with 0 being warm-up questions, numbers beginning with 3 indicating problem-set level questions, numbers beginning with 4 indicating very hard problems, and 50 meaning extremely hard (possibly open) questions.
The M means "math," as in "you'll need some tricky math here." The HM means "higher math," meaning "you'll need math beyond what we've covered here to solve this problem."
Hope this helps!