i am trying to implement a java method which accepts an input in RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) and through use of a stack converts it into an infix notation and calculates it. I have built the stack and a working converter but i am finding problems when it comes to accepting multiple digit numbers (such as 10), my idea to solve this was to enter each separate entity separated by a space, 10+20 would be entered as "10 20 +" but this is resulting in an out of bounds error. Without the section marked below the program works fine for equations such as "12+" (1+2) and more complex ones as long as they involve single digit values. The stack is fully functiopnal too with push and pop methods
public static void stackRPN(){
Stack myStack = new Stack();
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter an equation: ");
String eq = sc.nextLine();
int len = eq.length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
String car1 = String.valueOf(eq.charAt(i));
if ("+".equals(car1) || "-".equals(car1) || "/".equals(car1) || /*"car1"*/"x".equals(car1)){
String a = myStack.pop();
String b = myStack.pop();
//This handlws all the digits
double bI = Double.parseDouble(b);
double aI = Double.parseDouble(a);
double finalNo = 0;
switch (car1) {
case "+": finalNo = bI + aI;
case "-": finalNo = bI - aI;
case "/": finalNo = bI / aI;
case "x": finalNo = bI * aI;
String finEq = b+car1+a;
System.out.println(finEq + " = " +finalNo);
} else {
This bit does not work
while (len < i+1 && eq.charAt(i+1) != ' '){
car1 = car1+eq.charAt(i+1);
Till here
This was fixed using the split method in the string class as so
public static void stackRPN(){
Stack myStack = new Stack();
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter an equation: ");
String eq = sc.nextLine();
//This Bit splits up the string where it meets a space
String[] eqS = eq.split(" ");
int len = eqS.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
String car1 = eqS[i];
if ("+".equals(car1) || "-".equals(car1) || "/".equals(car1) || /*"car1"*/"x".equals(car1)){
String a = myStack.pop();
String b = myStack.pop();
//This handlws all the digits
double bI = Double.parseDouble(b);
double aI = Double.parseDouble(a);
double finalNo = 0;
switch (car1) {
case "+": finalNo = bI + aI;
case "-": finalNo = bI - aI;
case "/": finalNo = bI / aI;
case "x": finalNo = bI * aI;
String finEq = b+car1+a;
System.out.println(finEq + " = " +finalNo);
} else {