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Netbeans 6.7.1: problem with macros

I find the macros feature, accessed via the red circle and the grey square in the toolbar of the source editing window, in Netbeans to be a rather nifty way of getting things done quick.

However, I find it annoying how they cannot be toggled on/off. I can be typing some code, and if it contains just the first (not all) the keystrokes in one of my macros, it will skip 2 keystrokes worth of typing.

The only way I have managed to disable this is by deleting the macro entirely:
Tools > Options > Editor > Macros

Is there an easier way to toggle them on / off?

EDIT: Any biters?


  • If you're looking for abbreviated input like in instead of interface, you probably want to take a look at code templates rather than macros. Have a look at Tools > Options > Editor > Code Templates. These expand when you press Tab (or Space, your choice on a per-template basis). Templates can also provide indications as to where the cursor should be placed after the expansion.