In netbeans when we choose a profile in fonts & colors option screen that change editor windows background color but not one in project, files, service navigator.
like you can see in the picture
i'm the only one with this issue?
Edit seem like impossible
Using Tools > Options > Fonts & Colors will only affect the edit window. Changing the overall look and feel of NetBeans is done by changing the theme.
There are two dark themes that worked well on NetBeans 8.2, Dark Metal and Dark Nimbus, and they have been certified for NetBeans 10.0. You just have to ensure that the plugin for them is installed on NetBeans 10.0. To do that:
This is what I get for Dark Metal:
And this is what I get for Dark Nimbus:
Another option is to install and use the Darcula theme, as detailed in this SO answer. Although it is not certified for NetBeans 10.0 it seems to work fine. This shot shows the Darcula theme (Tools > Options > Appearance > Look and Feel > Preferred look and feel > Darcula), but with:
Finally, third party sites provide further themes for NetBeans. For example: