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How is executed binaries (written in c++ ForExample) in mobiles??
Is it only possible as mixed with J2ME or is it possible to execute "RAW" (like exe file) binary.
(In old and new mobiles)
Running a program on a mobile phone is like running it on a normal computer.
You have to take two things into consideration the processor that is running the phone and the OS that is running on top of the processor.
- Certain phone OS's are very restrictive on what they let run on the phone so you need to read up on the restrictions imposed by the OS.
- Secondly the processors are usually very limited and completely different to a normal PC so you need a compiler that will generate code for that processor.
- But RAW object files are not enough C++ is dependent on a whole set of standard libraries functions and framework to start up the application. For this you will need to have the appropriate SDK for the your phone so that you can link your program with the appropriate framework that your phone OS will understand.
- The last problem is getting the binaries onto the phone. Detailed instructions will usually come with the SDK.