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How to integrate Facebook User's Newsfeed (or) Wall post in iOS App

I'm trying to integrate a custom view which shows a few post of the users Facebook news feed.

I'm looking for a good starting point. I don't want to use a UIWebView or something like this to grab the mobile site of Facebook instead I want to get data in JSON format or similar and display it in a custom fashion.

Can you give me any advice or links to tutorials how i can get the Facebook news feed data?

Edit: I want to update my requirements. I looked a bit into the Facebook Documentation and the SDK. There are some Sample Codes which are useful but I'm missing a straight forward tutorial or sample which does fetch the users newsfeed and displays it. This is why I made the bounty.

I will give the +100 Rep for somebody that creates a sample or tutorial which does get posts of the users newsfeed. Required would be: Get the name of the poster, message, timestamp and attached image. It would be nice if you also show them in a uiview but it is not required. If there is an existing framework feel free to link it.

I'm working myself on something similar and will publish it too. I think this could be tribute to the community.


  • I have created a sample starter project that gets the user's facebook newsfeed and displays it. It shows who did the post, the poster's profile picture, and when it was posted along with the message.

    It is fairly rudimentary and could use some enhancement from other developers, i.e. endless scrolling, displaying any links, likes or recognizing URLs, etc.