I have this class MyClass that, most often, is created by parsing a string. I cannot trust that this string is always correct and therefore I do not want to put the parsing in the constructor. Hence, I have created a static parsing function that returns true if the string is valid and false if it is invalid. See below:
class MyClass
Type1 m_memberA;
Type2 m_memberB;
MyClass(const Type1& parameterA, const Type2& parameterB)
: m_memberA(parameterA), m_memberB(paramterB)
static bool parse(const std::string& input, MyClass * result)
Type1 paramA;
Type2 paramB;
//Parse input and get values for paramA and paramB.
//Return false if the input is invalid.
MyClass temp(paramA, paramB)
*result = temp;
return true;
My intent was to use it as follows:
void myFunction(const std::string& input)
MyClass * myObject = NULL;
if(MyClass::parse(input, myObject))
//Use myObject for something
//Log invalid input string
Now, this crashes at run time. And I figured that is because I am trying to de-reference a NULL-pointer, which obviously doesn't work. How can I fix this?
You need to pass either a pointer-to-pointer to the function or a pointer reference and allocate with new
static bool parse(const std::string& input, MyClass *& result)
// ......
result = new MyClass(paramA, paramB)
return true;