Since somes days i'am facing the probleme that Jdeveloper intern deployment ignore Maven dependencies.
A workaround was to copy the dependencies manually and paste them into o.j2ee\drs\projectName\WebApp.war\WEB-INF\lib
I there another another possibility to solv this issue?
May be a settings in .jpr
or .jws
can solv the problem?
Thanks for all suggestions
After more than 2 months researches i finally find the answer.
<list n="classPath">
<url protocol="file" path="/${maven:maven.local.repo}de.festado.alpha-1.6.4-SNAPSHOT.jar"/>
<value n="deployedByDefault" v="true"/>
<value n="description" v="de.festado.alpha:1.6.4-SNAPSHOT:jar"/>
<value n="id" v="de.festado.alpha:1.6.4-SNAPSHOT:jar"/>
<value n="locked" v="true"/>
We need only to add
<value n="deployedByDefault" v="true"/>
to hash Tag in the jdevelopper .jpr