While using a 32 bit TBitmap, I switched from Canvas.Pixels to ScanLine.
I then set the value to Red, only to find it was displayed as blue.
Any idea why?
Here's a code excerpt:
procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject);
varBitmap: TBitmap;
pLock: PIntegerArray;
iColor: integer;
varBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
varBitmap.PixelFormat := pf32bit;
varBitmap.Width := 800;
varBitmap.Height := 600;
// Set Pixels to Red
varBitmap.Canvas.Pixels[0, 0] := $0000FF;
// Shows $FF0000 (blue)
pLock := varBitmap.ScanLine[0];
iColor := pLock[0];
ShowMessageFmt('%x', [iColor]);
// Set ScanLine to Red
pLock[0] := $0000FF;
// Displays a blue pixel
Canvas.Draw(0, 0, varBitmap);
It seems that somehow TColor is not the same as what is in memory, but that makes no sense.
Any suggestions welcome. ;)
32bit pixel data is in $AARRGGBB
format. You are setting the Blue component, not the Red component. Use $FF0000
instead of $0000FF
. Or better, use the RGB()