I'm connecting my windows form application to SQL server but I get this error "SqlException was unhandled" when I start the program.
Here is my code:
void ShowEmployees()
using (SqlConnection Connect = new SqlConnection("Data Source=(local);" + "Database='SanMarDryCleaners';" + "Integrated Security=SSPI;"))
string strEmployees = "SELECT * FROM employees;";
SqlCommand cmdEmployees = new SqlCommand(strEmployees, Connect);
SqlDataAdapter daEmployees = new SqlDataAdapter();
daEmployees.SelectCommand = cmdEmployees;
DataSet dsEmployees = new DataSet("EmployeesSet");
dgvEmployees.DataSource = dsEmployees;
dgvEmployees.DataMember = dsEmployees.Tables[0].TableName;
Here is the screenshot:
The error suggest that it can't find the SQL Server. And that makes sense because you are using a SqlConnection class which is for Microsoft SQL Server only. You have to use MySQL libary.
Download it from this site: