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Calling closest fitting method

As part of developing a small ScriptEngine, I reflectively call java methods. A call by the script engine gives me the object the method name and an array of arguments. To call the method I tried to resolve it with a call to Class.getMethod(name, argument types).
This however only works when the classes of the arguments and the classes expected by the Method are the same.

Object o1 = new Object();
Object out = System.out;
//Works as System.out.println(Object) is defined
Method ms = out.getClass().getMethod("println",o1.getClass());
Object o2 = new Integer(4);
//Does not work as System.out.println(Integer) is not defined
Method mo = out.getClass().getMethod("println",o2.getClass());

I would like to know if there is a "simple" way to get the right method, if possible with the closest fit for the argument types, or if I have to implement this myself.

Closest fit would be:

Object o1 = new Integer(1);
Object o2 = new String("");
getMethod(name, o1.getClass())//println(Object)
getMethod(name, o2.getClass())//println(String)  

To clarify what I need: The Script Engine is a small project I write in my free time so there are no strikt rules I have to follow. So I thought that selecting methods called from the Engine the same way the java compiler selects methods at compile time only with the dynamic type and not the static type of the Object would work.(with or without autoboxing)
This is what I first hoped that the Class.getMethod() would solve. But the Class.getMethod() requires the exact same Classes as argument types as the Method declares, using a subclass will result in a no such method Exception. This may happen for good reasons, but makes the method useless for me, as I don't know in advance which argument types would fit.
An alternate would be to call Class.getMethods() and iterate through the returned array and try to find a fitting method. This would however be complicated if I don't just want to take the first "good" method which I come across, so I hoped that there would be an existing solution which at least handles:

  • closest fit: If arg.getClass() == subclass and methods m(Superclass), m(Subclass) then call m(Subclass)
  • variable arguments: System.out.printf(String ,String...)

Support for autoboxing would be nice, too.
If a call cannot be resolved it may throw an exception ( ma(String,Object), ma(Object, String), args= String,String)
(If you made it till here, thanks for taking the time to read it:-))


  • As others have pointed out there is no standard method that does this, so you are going to have to implement your own overload resolution algorithm.

    It would probably make sense to follow javac's overload resolution rules as closely as possible:
    You can probably ignore generics for a dynamically-typed scripting language, but you might still benefit from the bridge methods that the compiler generates automatically.

    Some pitfalls to watch out for:

    • Class.isAssignableFrom does not know about automatic widening primitive conversions, because these are syntactic sugar implemented in the compiler; They do not occur in the VM or class hierarchy. e.g. int.class.isAssignableFrom(short.class) returns false.
    • Similarly Class.isAssignableFrom does not know about auto-boxing. Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(int.class) returns false.
    • Class.isInstance and Class.cast take an Object as an argument; You cannot pass primitive values to them. They also return an Object, so they cannot be used for unboxing ((int) new Integer(42) is legal in Java source but int.class.cast(new Integer(42)) throws an exception.)