I want to export my Kineticjs stage with:
mimeType : "image/jpeg",
callback : function() {}
When I export this:
I get the following image after export:
All the transparent pixels are set to black.
How can I set all the transparent pixel to white before exporting?
The Problem
This occurs because on the KineticJS stage, the background is transparent: rgba(0,0,0,0).
The last zero in rgba is the alpha==the opacity.
But jpeg doesn't allow different opacities. It only allows solid colors.
So when you save the stage with toDataURL, jpeg will make the background opacity a solid color == rgba(0,0,0,1).
rgba(0,0,0,1) is black.
Therefore, transparent pixels are always written as black when saving a jpeg.
The solution
Add a background rectangle that fills the stage with white (or other color) so jpeg will know which color to use for the background pixels.