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How to make my snowman wave his hands (drawline) using button in applet

You Can run this program ... but , i have a problems in understanding some of the codes in Graphics class .. I don't blame anyone for this but this is a part of a lab exercise .. i need to make my snowman wave his (g.drawline) hands . using a button.. or if you can provide another way .. please do .. i'll appreciate it.

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;

public class SnowMan extends Applet implements  ActionListener

    Button button1 = new Button ("Wave!");
    public void init()
        setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        add(button1, BorderLayout.NORTH);

    public void paint(Graphics g)





            g.drawLine(200,169, 150, 125);
            g.drawLine(165,139, 145, 139);
            g.drawLine(165,139, 160, 120);

                 *right hands
            g.drawLine(300,169, 350, 125);  
            g.drawLine(333,139, 338, 120);                       

g.drawLine(333,139, 355, 138);





public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)

Object source = e.getSource(); 

if (button1 == source)





  • For starters your white space scares me a little bit. You might want to think about fixing your indentation and line skips. People are much more likely to help you if your code is neat.

    More to the point, what you need to do is change the location of the tip of the arm and base the location of the other two fingers on that location. Simply rewrite the location of the points of the fingers in terms of the variable location. Then all you have to do is trigger an animation by using a boolean and the button you already set up.

    For a project as simple as this you should be okay with just adding in a little block of code in the paint function which increments the location (if you want circular motion think sin and cosine for your x and y values of the arm). Just increment this until you reach the desired limit then turn around (maybe use a delta variable to consolidate this).