I am trying to POST a new record into Rails db with Emberjs and ember-data; however I am getting the following error:
TypeError {} "Cannot call method 'hasOwnProperty' of undefined"
I have been following the example of https://github.com/dgeb/ember_data_example and tried to build my own app using the same concept as per the example. Not to mention, I have used the debugger; within my controller and when I hit this.get('preLoadedData') in the console, it manage to fetch my input into the form. However, the issue is that I cannot POST the user input into Rails DB.
The codes are:
DS.RESTAdapter.configure("plurals", {"company_category": "company_categories"});
App.Adapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
bulkCommit: false
App.Store = DS.Store.extend({
revision: 12,
adapter: DS.RESTAdapter.create()
App.CompanyCategory = DS.Model.extend({
category: DS.attr("string")
App.CompanyCategoriesNewController = Em.ObjectController.extend({
startEditing: function() {
this.transaction = this.get('store').transaction();
this.set('model', this.transaction.createRecord(App.CompanyCategory, {}));
save: function() {
this.transaction = null;
Under rails controller:-
def create
@category = CompanyCategory.new(params[:id])
respond_to do |format|
if @category.save
format.json { render json: @category, status: :created, location: @category }
format.json { render json: @category.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity}
App.CompanyCategoriesNewRoute = Em.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return null;
setupController: function(controller) {
And my JSON output when I called App.CompanyCategory.find(); is:
{"id":1,"category":"Financial Services"},
{"id":2,"category":"Trade Services"}
May I know what have I been doing wrong? Thanks in advance!
A couple of things here, it is considered bad practice to have controller set its own model. Instead, its the job of the router to provide a model to the controller. So according to the ember way of doing things, you should be doing:
App.CompanyCategoriesNewRoute = Em.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return this.get('store').createRecord(App.CompanyCategory, {});
setupController: function(controller, model) {
controller.set('content', model);
App.CompanyCategoriesNewController = Em.ObjectController.extend({
startEditing: function() {
this.set('transaction', this.get('store').transaction());
save: function() {