I'm trying to make a gallery sort of thing, but with only 3 tiles - one big, and two smaller (of the same size) - when you hover over one of the tiles, I want it to expand as shown on the attached image, so that it becomes bigger and the other two a bit smaller. I remember I've seen this somewhere but was unable to find it. Can anyone help?
Maybe there is a ready plugin for that, or anyone has an idea how to do it.
Maybe something like this: http://jsfiddle.net/7ALNj/ could be good start... you will have to tweak widths/heights to get desired effect, but it is pretty close, i would say...
$( ".tile-big" ).hover(
function() {
$( this ).stop().animate({width:"70%"});
}, function() {
$( this ).stop().animate({width:"60%"});
$( ".first" ).hover(
function() {
$( this ).stop().animate({width:"45%",height:"60%"});
}, function() {
$( this ).stop().animate({width:"39%",height:'49%'});
$( ".last" ).hover(
function() {
$( this ).stop().animate({width:"45%",height:"60%"});
}, function() {
$( this ).stop().animate({width:"39%",height:'49%'});
You can check html/css in fiddle (probably can be better, but this also works...)