I'm trying to get json value form api. There is one object key that is dynamic so how can I solve it?
I got json data as like in the picture.
there is the numbers after "pages" that numbers are randomly changing and so how can I get that object value?
Do current JSON String Parsing as:
JSONObject jObject = new JSONObject("your json String");
JSONObject jObjquery = jObject.getJSONObject("query"); // get query JSONObject
JSONObject jObjpages = jObjquery.getJSONObject("pages");//get pages JSONObject
// get dynamic keys from pages object
Iterator<?> keys = jObjpages.keys();
while( keys.hasNext() ){
String key = (String)keys.next();
if( jObjpages.get(key) instanceof JSONObject ){
// get all values from JSONObject
String str_pageid=jObjpages.optString("pageid");
//get ns, title, extract,.. in same way from jObjpages