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Finding least number in a set with CUDA

Suppose you had a function that would take in a vector, a set of vectors, and find which vector in the set of vectors was closest to the original vector. It may be useful if I included some code:

int findBMU(float * inputVector, float * weights){

    int count = 0;
    float currentDistance = 0;
    int winner = 0;
    float leastDistance = 99999;

    for(int i = 0; i<10; i++){
        for(int j = 0;j<10; j++){
            for(int k = 0; k<10; k++){

                int offset = (i*100+j*10+k)*644;
                for(int i = offset; i<offset+644; i++){
                    currentDistance += abs((inputVector[count]-weights[i]))*abs((inputVector[count]-weights[i]));
                currentDistance = sqrt(currentDistance);

                count = 0;
                    winner = offset;

                    leastDistance = currentDistance;

                currentDistance = 0;
    return winner;

In this example, weights is a single dimensional array, with a block of 644 elements corresponding to one vector. inputVector is the vector that's being compared, and it also has 644 elements.

To speed up my program, I decided to take a look at the CUDA framework provided by NVIDIA. This is what my code looked like once I changed it to fit CUDA's specifications.

__global__ void findBMU(float * inputVector, float * weights, int * winner, float * leastDistance){

    int i = threadIdx.x+(blockIdx.x*blockDim.x);


        int offset = i*644;
        int count = 0;
        float currentDistance = 0;
        for(int w = offset; w<offset+644; w++){
            currentDistance += abs((inputVector[count]-weights[w]))*abs((inputVector[count]-weights[w]));


        currentDistance = sqrt(currentDistance);

        count = 0;
            *winner = offset;

            *leastDistance = currentDistance;

        currentDistance = 0;


To call the function, I used : findBMU<<<20, 50>>>(d_data, d_weights, d_winner, d_least);

But, when I would call the function, sometimes it would give me the right answer, and sometimes it wouldn't. After doing some research, I found that CUDA has some issues with reduction problems like these, but I couldn't find how to fix it. How can I modify my program to make it work with CUDA?


  • The issue is that threads that run concurrently will see the same leastDistance and overwrite each other's results. There are two values that are shared between threads; leastDistance and winner. You have two basic options. You can write out the results from all the threads and then do a second pass over the data with a parallel reduction to determine which vector had the best match or you can implement this with a custom atomic operation using atomicCAS().

    The first method is the easiest. My guess is that it will also give you the best performance, though it does add a dependency for the the free Thrust library. You would use thrust::min_element().

    The method using atomicCAS() uses the fact that atomicCAS() has a 64-bit mode, in which you can assign any semantics that you wish to a 64-bit value. In your case, you would use 32 bits to store leastDistance and 32 bits to store winner. To use this method, adapt this example in the CUDA C Programming Guide that implements a double precision floating point atomicAdd().

    __device__ double atomicAdd(double* address, double val)
      unsigned long long int* address_as_ull =
      (unsigned long long int*)address;
      unsigned long long int old = *address_as_ull, assumed;
      do {
        assumed = old;
        old = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed, __double_as_longlong(val + __longlong_as_double(assumed)));
      } while (assumed != old);
      return __longlong_as_double(old);