This question looks like very similar to: Concatenating null strings in Java
But my issue is some different.
I want to build an absolute path to a file:
String path = properties.get("path"); // returns /home/myuser/relativepath/ , ends with bar /
String file = currentFile; // currentFile values "file.txt"
String result = path + file; // this results in /home/myuser/relativepath/nullfile.txt
Why is there than 'null' text? That's the reason my application does not work now.
I have review it in Windows and Linux. In Windows it works perfectly. In Linux, I have this issue.
I uploaded properties file and then, edited with vi command. Maybe is this the problem? Shouldn't I use this way to generate an absolute path, and use File.Separator property in Java?
EDIT: I have post my final right answer with detailed steps. I hope it would be useful.
Well, the complete and detailed steps to fix my issue are these (maybe any of them could not be necessary, but I prefer to write them all):
Concatenate variables with:
String result = path + File.separator + file;
I hope this would be useful. Thank you all for your suggestions. Regards