I'm generating an Excel file in Java with POI 3.2 (Latest version I can use for my client). Here is my code. As you can see I'm using HSSF because I need to make a XLS file.
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Reporting");
HSSFRow Row;
HSSFCell Cell;
//Content part (doesn't matter)
IWDResource resource = WDResourceFactory.createCachedResource(
Now after I've downloaded the XLS file, I want to open it but the file seems to be corrupt.
Image on link: http://tinyurl.com/nop52sh
When I'm pressing 2 times on 'Don't send', de excell file opens in correct form.
Any idea why?
Don't call wb.getBytes()
, it doesn't do what you want. From the getBytes() javadoc
Method getBytes - get the bytes of just the HSSF portions of the XLS file. Use this to construct a POI POIFSFileSystem yourself.
Instead, if you want the overall xls file as a byte array, do
ByteArrayOutStream baos = new ByteArrayOutStream();
byte[] xlsBytes = baos.toByteArray();
Finally, Apache POI 3.2 is ancient, over 5 years old now! You really ought to upgrade, see the changelog for an idea of all the bugs fixed since then