I have the following code to replace version string from a set of files
ack --ignore-file=is:HISTORY.md -l --print0 '1\.1\.1' | xargs -0 perl -pi -e 's/1\.1\.1/1\.1\.2/g'
Now, I realized there are some lines in the doxygen comment that also have the version string like this.
* Generate Tag id from Tag name
* @since 1.1.1
* @static
* @access public
How can I modify the above snippet so that lines that contain @since
will be excluded?
To exclude lines with @since
you could try this instead of your current perl replace code:
!/\@since/ && s/1\.1\.1/1.1.2/g
or even
/\@since/ || s/1\.1\.1/1.1.2/g