How do I access a object of some other class through my class?? I tried toString but it can display contents only of its own object not other class objects.
Basically, I am able to access Bugzilla Webservice API through java code(xmlrpc) and in return i get a object of class java.util.HashMap.
But i am unable to understand how to access the object returned.
Object createResult = rpcClient.execute("", new Object[]{bugMap});
how do i get bugs information from : "createResult", contents of cretaeResult object.According to Bugzilla documentation two items are returned, bugs and faults, both are array of hashes. and i want to access these.
In Case someone else needs this. Object from Bugzilla is first typecasted to a HashMap type. Each Keyset of HashMap itself is an object that contains the array of an object where in each object is again a Hashmap. Quite Complex.
HashMap bugs = (HashMap)bugzillaObject;
for( Object key : bugs.keySet() )
Object value = bugs.get( key );
Object[] valueArray = (Object[])value;
for( Object v : valueArray )
HashMap L = (HashMap)v;
for( Object key1 : L.keySet() )
System.out.println( "Key " + "= "+key1 + ", value " + "= "+ L.get(key1) );