Search code examples

Binary Tree Search for values less than

I'm creating an algorithm for a binary tree for university work and I need to develop an algorithm that efficiently find all the values smaller than a specified value (they need to be in order).

                    /  \
                   9    11
                  /       \
                 5         15
                / \        / \
               1   8      13  19
                         /  \
                        12  14   

This is the solution I came up with (the graph above is in case you forgotten how a binary tree looks like).

private BinaryTreeNode root;
public int[] getBeforeJoinedNum(int num){
        usersInOrder = new ArrayList<User>();
        beforeNum(num, root);
        return usersInOrder;

private void beforeNum(int num, BinaryTreeNode n){
        if (n != null){
            beforeNum(num, n.getLeft());
            int nodeValue = n.getValue();
            if (num<nodeValue){
                beforeNum(num, n.getRight());

The problem with this algorithm is that it does unnecessary comparisons. For example If i want all the number smaller than 10, the code will check everything left of 9 (i.e. 1,5,8) if it is smaller than 10, whereas it should be quite obvious anything smaller than 9 will of course should be in the list, without any need of a comparison.

How can I make this algorithm more efficient? Unfortunately, I cannot use the Java collection framework, as the data structure is the point of the coursework.


  • For subtrees of which you know that they fulfill the property, just do a standard in-order traversal:

    private void addAll(UserNode n) {
        if (n == null) return;
    private void beforeNum(int num, UserNode n){
        if (n == null) return;
        if (n.getValue() < num) {
            beforeNum(num, n.getRight());
        } else {
            beforeNum(num, n.getLeft());

    Note that I also fixed a logic bug in beforeNum: You mixed up < with > and you didn't traverse the right subtree under the correct circumstances.