I have an excel sheet with the following format
Name | Data | Level | parent |
AAA | XXX | 1 | root(?)|
BBB | YYY | 2 | AAA(?) |
CCC | ZZZ | 3 | BBB(?) |
DDD | XYZ | 4 | CCC(?) |
EEE | YZX | 3 | BBB(?) |
FFF | ZXY | 4 | EEE(?) |
GGG | ZXR | 4 | EEE(?) |
what i'm trying to do is get the name of the parent for each row. for instance i for CCC i should be able to fill its parent column with BBB. any ideas how i can achieve this?
In D2
Then drag down as needed? This works with your samples at least.
Explanation is as follows:
Test if value on this row in column Level = 1, it it does, return "Root".
Test if value on this row in column Level =1, if it does not then do as follows:
get array of all rows with a level one up from current rows, level. ($C$2:$C2=C2-1).
Divide that array into 1, to get errors on every position that is not one level higher.
Look up a 2 in the array of errors and 1's. (This returns the bottom most 1 (the last row one level higher))
Return value in Name
column at this position.
Results should like as follows: