I want to know how to stop inputting same pattern value in TokenInput using Jquery ?
For Example : If i have something like "GM-123" and i dont want to have "GM-345" in the input field then what should i do ?
Anyone , please help.
I would make use of the onAdd
callback, which is called when a token is added, and then remove the token if it shouldn't be allowed. Use something like this in your set up:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#search_frwId").tokenInput(getMyRestServer, {
theme: "facebook",
queryParam: "param",
onAdd: function(hidden_input,item){
var newInput = item.name;
//Pattern Matching Magic Here
if(shouldNotBeAdded) $("#search_frwId").tokenInput("remove", item);
(This is untested code, I think passing the item back into remove
like that will work, but am not 100% sure!)