After several redeploys app crashes with PermGen error. I know abou workarounds with increasing permgen size. But I try to reveal cause of leak. After redeploy I'v made heap dump with jvisualvm and searching for instances of WebAppClassLoader. As expected there was one not GC-ed. Show nearest GC root points to platformMBeanServer (MangementFactory type). So the question is what can i do with it?
And some additional info. My jdbc driver jar locates in lib directory of tomcat and .dll file in bin directory. When I comment hibernate sessionFactory creation - problem disappear. Session factory created in init method of servlet filter, and closed in destroy method. Hibernate uses c3p0 connection pool.
I'v found solution. It turns up that connection pool c3p0 has memory leak. And hibernate 4.3.1-Final uses that version of c3p0. Switching to hibernate 4.1.12 and c3p0 0.9.1 solve my problem.