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Tracking the hours submitted to work items by users in TFS

I want to get the hours I have submitted to work items in TFS programatically. How can I do that?

For example if I add 4 hours to User Story 2222 and Task 1111, I want to be able to extract the hours, userstory number and task number. Is that possible?


  • I'd start by looking at the Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client Namespace and specifically at the WorkItemCollection Class.

    You can query for a collection of work items:

    TfsTeamProjectCollection tpc = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(new Uri("http://server:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection"));
    WorkItemStore workItemStore = (WorkItemStore)tpc.GetService(typeof(WorkItemStore)); 
    WorkItemCollection queryResults = workItemStore.Query("
       Select [State], [Title] 
       From WorkItems
       Where [Work Item Type] = 'User Story'
       Order By [State] Asc, [Changed Date] Desc");

    or get a specific WorkItem by ID:

    WorkItem workItem = workItemStore.GetWorkItem(62);

    After you have a specific work item (or a collection of them) and the hours field's name, you can do: WorkItem["field-name"] or WorkItem.Fields["field-name"].Value to get/set the value of the field.