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How to determine in java when I'm near to the OutOfMemoryError?

I need to find out when I'm really close to the OutOfMemoryError so I can flush results to file and call runtime.gc();. My code is something like this:

Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
if ((1.0 * runtime.totalMemory() / runtime.maxMemory()) > 0.9) {
... flush results to file ...

Is there a better way to do this? Can someone give me a hand please?


I understood that I am playing with fire this way so I reasoned to a more solid and simple way of determining when I've had enough. I am currently working with the Jena model so I do a simple check: if the model has more than 550k statements then I flush so I don't run any risks.


  • First: if you want to determine if you're close to OutOfMemoryError, then what all you have to do is to compare the current memory with the max memory used by JVM, and that what you already did.

    Second: You want to flush results to file, am wondering why you want to do that just if you close to OutOfMemoryError, you simply can use something like a FileWriter which has a buffer, so if the buffer got filled it will flush the results automatically.

    Third: don't ever call the GC explicitly, its a bad practice, optimize your JVM memory arguments instead:

    -Xmx -> this param to set the max memory that the JVM can allocate
    -Xms -> the init memory that JVM will allocate on the start up
    -XX:MaxPermSize= -> this for the max Permanent Generation memory


    -XX:MaxNewSize=  -> this need to be 40% from your Xmx value
    -XX:NewSize= -> this need to be 40% from your Xmx value

    These will speed up the GC.

    And -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC to enable using CMS for the old space.