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Hiding row in adf table based on Transient attribute not working

I have an JSF page where the user can insert new row in View object. this View object contains a Transient attribute which tells if the record is newly created or not.

In the same page I have an adf table that is bounded to the mentioned view object. This table should display only the newly created records. my approach is to use expression language in the rendered property to hide all other rows that are not newly created. I changed the render property for the table columns as: rendered="#{row.bindings.RowStatus.inputValue eq 'new'}" but the table shows nothing.

Then, I tried to change the rendered property not for the column but to the outputText inside it in the same way. It did work but the problem is that the empty row is still showing.

So, Basically by that I am not hiding the whole row, instead I am hiding the text in side the rows and the rows with empty spaces is still showing in the page.

This the Table from JSF page where the rendered property is applied on outputText inside the column:

<af:table value="#{bindings.UplodedFilesView1.collectionModel}" var="row"

    <af:column sortProperty="#{}" 
      headerText="File Name" id="c1">

          <af:outputText value="#{row.bindings.FileName.inputValue}" id="it1"
          rendered="#{row.bindings.RowStatus.inputValue eq'new'}"/>



I am using Jdeveloper with ADF Technology


  • Its to late to hide rows after stamping the row set. The problem could be solve by filtering the View object based on the Transient attribute in the Page Binding section.

    The detailed steps are mentioned in this thread: How to Filter View object based on Transient attribute