If the username, password and location are correct in login servlet i am creating a HttpSession and get to the jsp page. Below is the code in servlet:
HttpSession sessionsa = request.getSession(true);
sessionsa.setAttribute("user",userName); //userName is a String variable
sessionsa.setAttribute("location",location); //location in value place is a String variable
Now on jsp page I am not able to access the attributes. Code on jsp:
sessionsa = request.getSession();
String user = (String) sessionsa.getAttribute("user");
String location = (String) sessionsa.getAttribute("location");
It states that cannot find symbol variable sessionsa in class SimplifiedJSPServlet. Please help. Have been googling it since 2 days.
Do like this,first make the session creation false in your jsp.
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1" session="false"%>
Then to get the session,
HttpSession sessionsa = request.getSession(false);
String user = (String) sessionsa.getAttribute("user");
String location = (String) sessionsa.getAttribute("location");
By this you will get the user and location from the session.Hope this will help you.