I have two different programs- one which serializes data and saves it to a local file, and the other program loads the data and use it. The problem is that the deserializing is not working - the same structure it was serealized in cannot be reconstructed, no matter how i Serialize / Deserialize the data.
Edit: The problem specifically with loading from file the result of the serialize action.
Edit2: The exception I get is Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to myImage
I use deep serialize, as you can see here:
ArrayList<ArrayList<Images>> data;
...filling the data object with my data...
String serialized = new JSONSerializer().exclude("*.class")
The output of serealize action looks like this:
and for deserializing I use:
ArrayList<ArrayList<TrimmedImageData>> data;
...some initializing code...
data = (ArrayList<List<Images>>) new JSONDeserializer<ArrayList<List<Images>>>()
.use("value.values", myImage.class)
.deserialize(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(
The problem in my case was two things:
try { List<String> res = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(myObject), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); StringBuilder anotherTest = new StringBuilder(); for(String str : res) { anotherTest.append(str); } serializedString = anotherTest.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }