Yesterday, I struggled about how to render FTGL font in a window whose origin is at top-left
Retaining this kind of orthographic settings makes it difficult for me to properly align FTGL font, esp. in y-axis
void enable2D(int w, int h)
winWidth = w;
winHeight = h;
glViewport(0, 0, w, h);
glOrtho(0, w, h, 0, 0, 1);
Then rendered it like this:
glTranslated(X, Y + font.LineHeight(), 0);
glScalef(1, -1, 0); //reverse scaling of y
I try to measure the bounding boxes of different fonts but it gives me inconsistent results.
Here they are:
Notice the
inconsistency of y-position of boxes
And also the code:
///Draw the fonts
for (int i = 0;i < N; ++i)
auto &X = x[i];
auto &Y = y[i];
auto &font = fonts[i];
glColor3ub(0, 0, 0);
glTranslated(X, Y + font.LineHeight(), 0);
glScalef(1, -1, 0);
///Draw the boxes
for (int i = 0;i < N; ++i)
auto &X = x[i];
auto &Y = y[i];
auto &box = boxes[i];
glColor3ub(255, 0, 0);
glTranslated(X, Y, 0);
glVertex2f(box.Lower().X(), -box.Lower().Y()); //top-left
glVertex2f(box.Upper().X() - box.Lower().X(), -box.Lower().Y()); //top-right
glVertex2f(box.Upper().X() - box.Lower().X(), +box.Upper().Y() - box.Lower().Y() * 2); //bottom-right
glVertex2f(box.Lower().X(), +box.Upper().Y() - box.Lower().Y() * 2); //bottom-left
But I want to achieve a box that is totally fitted to the rendered font like this:
I just manually adjust some values to make it fit
Specific question is, how do I calculate y-position of the rendered font in this kind of settings?
I don't know what FTGL::Descender()
does but I think it somewhat related to this?
I will accept as answer any links that discusses this kind of topic.
However, after trial and error, I figured out the fault I am doing.
First of all, I should have consider when doing this kind of coordinate system, that the left-most and upper-most part of the box should be set zero
, i.e:
glVertex2f( 0, 0 );
glVertex2f( w, 0 );
glVertex2f( w, h );
glVertex2f( 0, h );
So I would not need to worry about the other things. And from that, I ensure that when translating the font
to the specified coordinate, it must be relative to top-left-origin window (no padding, offsets, etc, etc...)
Now doing the translation in font section, I do this:
float x_offset = (font.BBox(str).Lower().X() * font_scale);
float y_offset = (font.BBox(str).Upper().Y() * font_scale);
///the coorinate should now be relative the box!
glTranslatef( x - x_offset,
y + y_offset,
glScalef( font_scale, -font_scale, 0); //notice the negative in y
The font that draws outside the box (#6)
, maybe is due to the style of the font.
Thanks! Hope someone could help by this :D
There was an error in my previous calculation, anyway, I updated my answer to be more accurate. You can see the changes in my edit history.
There was still an error here. The FTGL::BBox
returns only the current bounding boxes of the current text, w/c the heights may vary when the largest glyph height is not present in the current string. I check the source code again but I cannot find the yMax
w/c is the maximum height it could return. However, I can do iterate all over the available glpyhs and get the maximum height
there, I think there's an existing functions in freetype
that could already do this? Anyone know of it?