Question not for solution, Question to understand the system better
Experts! I know whenever you feed javascript code into javascript engine, It will execute by javascript engine immediately. Since, I haven't seen Engine's source code, I have few of questions as follows,
Let us assume I am loading couple of files from remote server namely FILE_1.js and FILE_2.js. And the code in FILE_2.js is requiring some of the code in FILE_1.js. So I have included files as follows,
<script type="text/javascript" src="FILE_1.js" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="FILE_2.js" ></script>
So hopefully, I have done what Javascript Engine requires. Here unfortunately I have written 5000KB of code in FILE_1.js, and however I have 5KB of code in FILE_2.js. Since server is multi-threaded definitely FILE_2.js will be loaded into my browser before FILE_1.js completed.
How javascript engine handle this?
And If moved the code from FILE_2.js to inline-script tag as follows, what are actions taken by javascript engine to manage this dependency?
<script type="text/javascript" src="FILE_1.js" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" >
// Dependent code goes here
Note: I am not expecting single word answer Single Threaded. I just want to know deep who is manage issuing request either browser or javascript engine or common guy? if the request/response is handled by common guy, then how javascript engine aware about this?
When I post an answer about the behavior of code, I always like to go to two places:
The DOM API explicitly specifies scripts must be executed in order:
If the element has a src attribute, does not have an async attribute, and does not have the "force-async" flag set The element must be added to the end of the list of scripts that will execute in order as soon as possible associated with the Document of the script element at the time the prepare a script algorithm started.
From 4.1 Scripting. Please check the list of exceptions to this rule before - having the defer
or async
attribute. This is specified well in
This makes sense, imagine:
var trololo = "Unicorn";
// 1 million lines later
trololo = "unicorn";
var message = "Hello World";
alert(message); // if file 1 doesn't execute first, this throws a reference error.
It is generally better to use a module loader (that will defer script insertion and execution, and will manage dependencies correctly for you).
At the moment, the best approach is to use something like Browserify or RequireJS . In the future, we'll be able to use ECMAScript 6 modules.
Well, you mentioned it and I couldn't resist. So, if we check the Chromium blink source (still similar in WebKit):
bool ScriptLoader::prepareScript(const TextPosition& scriptStartPosition,
LegacyTypeSupport supportLegacyTypes)
} else if (client->hasSourceAttribute() && // has src attribute
!client->asyncAttributeValue() &&// and no `async` or `defer`
!m_forceAsync // and it was not otherwise forced
) { // - woah, this is just like the spec
m_willExecuteInOrder = true; // tell it to execute in order
Great, so we can see in the source code that it adds them in order parsed - just like the specification says.
Let's see how a script runner does:
void ScriptRunner::queueScriptForExecution(ScriptLoader* scriptLoader,
ResourcePtr<ScriptResource> resource,
ExecutionType executionType){
// Adds it in the order of execution, as we can see, this just
// adds it to a queue
m_scriptsToExecuteInOrder.append(PendingScript(element, resource.get()));
And, using a timer, it fires them one by one when ready (or immediately, if nothing is pending):
void ScriptRunner::timerFired(Timer<ScriptRunner>* timer)
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {