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Joomla 2.5 - own plug-in has no effect (installed & enabled successfully)

I want to write the plugin that simply displays "PAGE MOVED" text instead of page.

I have made a folder myPlugin.

Inside, I put myPlugin.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<extension version="2.5" type="plugin" group="system">

    <creationDate>Creation date</creationDate>
    <author>Your name</author>
    <authorEmail>Your e-mail address</authorEmail>
    <authorUrl>Your website</authorUrl>
    <copyright>Copyright information</copyright>
    <license>All rights reserved.</license>
    <version>Version of the plugin</version>
    <description>Description of the plugin</description>

       <filename plugin="myPlugin">myPlugin.php</filename>


And myPlugin.php:


defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

class myPlugin extends JPlugin{
    public function __construct(& $subject, $config){
        parent::__construct($subject, $config);

    public function onAfterRoute() {
         die("PAGE MOVED"); //no effect

    public function onAfterRender() {
        die("PAGE MOVED"); //no effect

    public function onBeforeRender(){
        die("PAGE MOVED"); //no effect

I made a from it.

Than I have installed it via Joomla Extension Mannager (success), than enabled it (success).

But when I go to any of my pages, I see no effect of myPluing.

What else I have to do to see the effect?

I have disabled cache.


  • The class is not named correctly. For Joomla to call a method of your plugin's class, it has to follow the standard naming convention. Based on your xml file, you have created a system plugin, so the class should be named as follows:

    class plgSystemMyPlugin extends JPlugin{

    That should make it work (i.e. die often)!