I am trying to raise an event when the average value of a field is over a threshold for a minute. I have the object defined as:
class Heartbeat
public string Name;
public int Heartbeat;
My condition is defined as
select avg(Heartbeat) , Name
from Heartbeat.std:groupwin(Name).win:time(60 sec)
having avg(Heartbeat) > 100
However, the event never gets fired despite the fact that I fire a number of events with the Heartbeat value over 100. Any suggestions on what I have done wrong?
Thanks in advance
It confuses many people, but since time is the same for all groups you can simplify the query and remove the groupwin. The documentation note in this section explains why: http://esper.codehaus.org/esper-4.11.0/doc/reference/en-US/html_single/index.html#view-std-groupwin The semantics with or without groupwin are the same.
I think you want group-by (and not groupwin) since group-by controls the aggregation level and groupwin controls the data window level.
New query: select avg(Heartbeat) , Name from Heartbeat.win:time(60 sec) group by Name having avg(Heartbeat) > 100